Monday, October 01, 2007


Parenting, originally uploaded by ElOhBee.

I am grateful for many things. In fact, I can say with all humility that God has been good to me, I can't complain.

It is hard to imagine that it wasn't so long ago I was deeply immersed in the throes of adolesence. Now, on the other side of that adventure I'm seeing my son grow up before my eyes. I see his struggles, triumphs and (yikes!) changes. Now it is my turn to be parent, father, friend, father, guide, father, counsellor, and...did I say father?

I never really had the role of father modeled well for me, so this will be an adventure. My only prayer is that the perfect Father, the God of all wisdom and peace, will be my guide as I guide my son into manhood.

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